Contribution of organic compost and bacterial inoculation in improving quality of quinoa seeds

Document Type : Original Article


Soil and Water Research Department, Nuclear Research Center. Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt.


Biofertilizers and organic compost are a important  source of plant supplements during the plant development. Compost was used to pots under greenhouse condition with the application doses of 0, 50, 100, and 200 kg ha−1 on the basis of its nitrogen content. Bacterial strains of Azotobacter chroococcum (a symbiotic nitrogen fixer) and Bacillus polymyxa  as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were applied as biofertilizers.  Pot test was done to quality the role of organic compost in combination with bacterial inoculation. In general, organic compost and biofertilizers improved  growth and seed quality of quinoa. Then again, the collaboration between bacterial inoculation and nitrogen doses had significant effect for all studied traits. Nitrogen dose of 200 kg N ha-1 was end up being the best dose for nitrogen addition  of soil for N %, protein content %, P % and K % with dual inoculum. The higher physiological content  of nitrogen (5.52 %) , crude protein (34.5 %),phosphorus  (0.81%)  and potassium ( 1.65%) were recorded from application 200 kg N ha-1  with dual inoculum (Azotobacter chroococcum , Bacillus polymyxa). The combination of  nitrogen dose of 200 kg N ha-1  with dual inoculation was promising combination that generated highest plant dry weight 36.4 g plant-1 and gave the highest seed yield 8.33 g plant-1 with yield increase of about 88.48 % over the uninoculated. Finally,  the efficiencies of compost obtained from composting method on the growth, mineral nutrition and nutrient of quinoa, which will considers a natural agreeable creation of organic quinoa for markets.  


Main Subjects

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