Delineating the regional structures and depth of basement rocks using the gravity data analysis at west Assiut, Egypt.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University (Assiut Branch), Egypt.

2 Earthquake Research Center, National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG)Aswan, Egypt


The purpose of the gravity approach is to detect subsurface structures using disturbances in the earth's gravitational field produced at the surface. Gravity was used to outline the subsurface structures; due to the study area includes many huge national projects such as Assiut Cement, New Nasser City and Assiut International Airport, It is important to assess the subsurface geological structures in the area. Bouguer gravity data of Egyptian General Petroleum Company (EGPC 1984) was used to performed Bouguer gravity anomaly map at the study area to start the gravity interpretation by separation of the residual anomaly from regional anomaly and then the data was filtered by mathematical methods called Tilt derivative (TDR), low pass, high pass and downward continuation to apply the gravity filtering using commercial software Oasis Montaj 2015. The Bouguer, residual and regional maps depict multiple structural features (mainly normal faults) with varied tendencies, such as E-W, NE-SW, and NW-SE. The source body derived from these data had depths varying from less than 2000 m to more than 4000 m. The basement depth in the research area below sea level varies between 2160 m and more than 2900 m.


Main Subjects

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